Hi, I'm Alice your go-to Nutritionist, a leader in uncomplicated nutritional advice, providing personalised nutritional plans and lifestyle blueprints that you’ll actually enjoy and be able to stick to.
My qualifications include:
+ Bachelor of Health Science Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine (BHSc).
+ A microcredential in Applying Behavioural Science to Create Change from Monash University.
This combination allows me to a take scientific yet practical approach with all my clients allowing them to feel heard while in a safe environment free of judgement.
Who is AliceK.Nutrition?
This is a 3 Month Nutrition Package to get you kick started and staying on track. With fortnightly sessions to keep you accountable, this is the ultimate in changing your relationship with food.
1:1 behaviour session with Alice to reset your mindset when it comes to food. Breaking down habits that aren’t serving you whilst educating you about your dietary needs.
1:1 time with Alice to discuss your relationship with food, establish exactly your dietary needs and goals. From this a treatment and lifestyle plan will be customised for you.
Everyone's health journey is different and there is no one size fits all approach when working with clients.
I truly believe in holistic health care and understanding a person at their core, finding out the root of issues rather than a band-aid solution.
At AliceK.Nutrition we don’t restrict you but nourish you with the information you need while supporting you in implementing sustainable changes