
Mini Mindset Ebook



the world of nutritional advice can feel like the wild, wild west sometimes. i’ve made three uncomplicated options:

1:1 Nutrition Consults 

Bulldoze Bad Habits

12 week Nutrition & mindset Package

Scroll to find out what you should be ordering from the AliceK.Nutrition menu.



What’s troubling you the most right now?
A // I can see a healthy lifestyle for myself, way off in the distance, but I have no idea how to get there.
B // I feel super s**tty about my approach to food.

How would you describe your current relationship with food?
A // It’s like I’m dating a mysterious guy that is rubbish at telling me what he wants. Can I have some solid communication please?!
B // Straight up toxic.

How would you rank yourself out of 10 when it comes to nutrition?
A // Probably a 3 out of 10. I’m good with some elements and with others I feel like I have no clue.
B // Minus 6 out of 10.

If you could give yourself one cute little gift right now, what would it be?
A // A better understanding of what my body requires and needs me to change.
B // A better headspace where I’m way nicer to myself about my relationship with food.

But, how do I know which one is right for me?
Very valid question.

And one that can be solved with this very circa 2000s-esque pop quiz.

Answer the questions below and find out your perfect match.

Here's your chance

be brave

be bold

Then you should definitely opt for the NUTRITION NATTER, as this is where you can chit chat through your current diet and Alice can help you to establish a better understanding of what your body needs and the tweaks you can make to your diet to drum up a beautiful blueprint that you will totally be able to stick with

Then you should definitely opt for the BULLDOZE BAD HABITS, as this will give you the best chance to rewrite those negative thoughts flying around in your head and reset your relationship with food. Here you’ll learn so much and free up your headspace so you can approach diet and nutrition with positivity and power through some pretty monumental milestones, all with Alice by your side.

If you answered with mostly A’s,

Meet your answers

If you answered with mostly B's,

3 month nutrition package packed full of 1:1 consults, meal plans and behaviour strategies.
I'm with you the whole ride!

1:1 behaviour session with Alice to reset your mindset when it comes to your food barriers. Breaking down rigid rules that aren’t serving you and educating you to your actual dietary needs, these 70 minute sessions will give you a clear mind and a fresh foundation to approach nutrition.

1:1 time with Alice to discuss your relationship with food and establish what exactly your dietary needs are. From here, Alice works her wizardry to develop a blueprint for a healthy lifestyle you’ll want to stick to.




Hi, I'm Alice a Sydney-based nutritionist who fell in love with all things nutrition, wellness and health from a young age. 

I am deeply passionate about helping others become the best versions of themselves because you can feel so much more than average. I have always been curious about the connection between mind and mouth and understand that behavioural factors are just as important as what we put into our mouths.

I spent over 3 years studying and graduating in Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine) and also completed further studies in Behavioural Science at Monash University.

If you are tired of being tired, find yourself asking why you feel so bloated and exhausted all the time or just want easy, simple nutrition advice then you have come to the right place.

I offer virtual 1:1 consults tailored specifically to your individual needs while supporting you throughout your journey. 

CLINICAL NUTRITIONIST (BHSc) and Behavioural specalist 

Your go-to Nutritionist who loves fresh coffee in the morning!

Meet Alice your very own Nutritionist

"I think I'm ready, what can you help me with exactly?"

I offer a wide range of options from 1:1 nutrition consultations, to breaking down habits, to an all inclusive 12 -week nutrition and behaviour package.

The issues I see most in clinic are:
+ Sleep Issues 
+ Stress / Mood Disorders 
+ Women's Health including Endometriosis, painful periods and PCOS
+ Pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum
+ Gut Issues including IBS
+ Men's Health
+ General Health & Wellbeing

Tasha Umpto

Frankie you queen! I've grown my Instagram by 2k! This spot is for an important review snippet, a result or how you have helped your client.

Brit Rodgers

I just signed on my first 10k client! Your course has helped me a lot! This spot is for an important review snippet – something amazing.

Sonia Kruz

Your strategy flippin' rocks! I just scored a new client. This spot is for an important review snippet, a result or how you have helped clients.

Are you ready to start a family and need nutritional support for you and your partner or just had bub and want to ensure you are looking after yourself the best you can? 

Let's focus on you

can show up and work as a team

Have you come off the pill, not sure why you haven't got your period yet, suffer from hormonal acne or maybe you get dreadfully painful periods?

I can help you!

are willing to listen to an expert 

Are you tired of being tired, stressed out of your mind, feel exhausted almost all the time, suffer from mood swings, constantly feel bloated and have poor sleep? 

Its time for Change

want strategic and actionable advice

You're ready to work with me if you:

It's time to stop dreaming and start doing

The human approach to scientific nutrition

Welcome friend! I'm your energetic biz bestie. Pull up a seat and stay for awhile.

Frankie x